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How to Get Healthy Spiritually, Mentally & Psychologically

How to Get Healthy Spiritually, Mentally & Psychologically
by Brandon Witham

Health is what keeps our body functioning to the optimum level, health is what keeps our daily errands done and health helps us reach our day dream or night dream. Whatever we do - either we are loudly debating in a courtroom, or a cubicle confined number crunching accountant, or as computer geek whose face glued on laptop screen – it's hard to ignore what is happening inside our biological shell. If health does not matter, since, anyway, we all will die and wait till our bodies goes 6 feet underneath and let nature do its natural way. Then, knowing health awareness doesn’t matter. But because, our life is short, making the best of our - not so long life – might be the best priority.

There is no sense of having a ballooning bank account and a 5 digit salaried job if your health is plummeting and you turned hospital as your second home. There is a case of an old lady who got hundreds of thousands of dollars in her bank account, but there is no time to enjoy it since she is suffering from acute diabetes and hypertension. Most of her money went all to the hospital and making of her – soon to be a mausoleum.

Why we should get healthy and be informed, and you should too, because we have to make our life meaningful and enjoy the pleasures of life. Although we can’t control aging and will never get away with death or at least stop that – what scientists call "telomere" in DNA from causing aging" we might at least leave a meaningful print to our descendents. And leave a personal artifact or time capsule with message to future descendants – ‘hey, I didn’t abuse my body".

Numerous ways to optimize health are available. And it does not need a health book dictated routine, sign up for a mega dollar priced supplements flooding your email, or drink liters of magic water or potion. Well, how we should get healthy and you too! These health routines can save money, time, and visit to expensive hospital, and add decade to life. They help our body get healthy spiritually, mentally and psychologically.

•Relieve stress through massage sessions and visiting to nature parks. Reiki such as the Reiki Trainings in Montreal can help relieve stress and heal muscle aches. This Japanese originated therapy uses palm to transfer the energy called qi or ki in Japanese. Through this qi energy, the surface or the body allows itself to get healing.

Pretty girl autumn reflection
How to Get Healthy Spiritually, Mentally & Psychologically

• Stick to Vegetable and fruit Kingdom – yes, vegetables, but for red meat loving folks, this might be scary. Vegetables carry all the fibers and nutrients that the body needs. The closer our body is to nature, the more it is healthy. Look at the cow, the cow is stronger because it eats grass and not the second hand meat. And from this, you don’t have to be a grass munching goat to absorb the goodness of the vegetable kingdom. Turn those gorgeous looking broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, basil leaves, carrots, watermelon, berries into a healthy and tasty cuisine. Eat rich protein foods such as the soya, nuts and unprocessed foods.

• Balance life with spirituality and through stress relieving techniques such as Reiki Trainings in Montreal and Craniosacral in Toronto. Since stress causes wear and tear and exhausts our body, this stress reducing therapy can balance spirituality and daily life. Whatever your belief, either you are a Christian, Muslim or Buddhist, or an Atheist; you can tap spirituality through self restraint, meditation and belief in a supreme universal force.

• Grab your dumbbells and start the lifting – With exercise by lifting those 5 kilo dumbbells, you will not only get those precious biceps and muscle toned shoulder and ABS but also promote exercise. Now, you don’t have to buy that expensive treadmill or sign up in the expensive gym program, inexpensive pair dumbbells, jogging and 10 minute walking can do a trick.

• Sleep tight and get a sweet dream – Sleep allows the body to repair itself of stress and small scale damage to tissue. It reinvigorates energy and maintains the biological clock. A 6 to 8 hour sleep is ok, but oversleeping is not good either.

• Research the Internet and keep abreast of genuine topics. Health scams and bogus claims pepper Internet with fooling infos. Recent human bio researches shed light in health claims such as fish liver oil benefits, effects of saturated fats and effects of vitamins. Researching on recent health trends and applying them are among the best ways to get healthy.

More Information:

For more information, please click on these links; Toronto therapy, Reiki Trainings, Montreal and Craniosacral Toronto or visit this site,


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