Written by Jafree Ozwald
“Do not delude yourself by imagining your source to be some God outside you. Your source is within yourself. Give yourself up to it. Seek the source within and merge with it. ~ Ramana Maharshi
We live in a world that ignores the fact that a supreme divine all loving intelligence lives within us. We’ve been programmed to believe we are spiritually disconnected and must fix our broken selves to feel whole and reconnected again. We don’t realize it, yet we are just used to feeling spiritually numb, as we have been plagued every day of our lives by an overly materialistic society which is constantly seducing us with its glorified billion dollar hypnotic media programming. We have contracted a deep case of spiritual amnesia and have forgotten how to relax into our spiritual essence and find our own intimate connection with the Divine.
This every day ignorance of our spiritual nature is the greatest lie mankind is living today. It is the cause of every moment of suffering each human being is currently enduring. One may think this spiritual drought was created by mankind coincidently, and is not part of the grand divine design. Nothing is by coincidence or without purpose in this Universe. This blind ignorance is within us all on purpose, so that we move more passionately towards a state of awakening. These intense levels of disconnection only drive us deeper inside ourselves to find our own soul.
This lifetime we have is meant to be a deeply enlightening experience. Is there anything more important than knowing how to access your own direct personal connection to an all powerful unconditionally loving source of highly intelligent creative energy that has the magical power to manifest anything your heart desires? There is nothing more vital to finding happiness in life than knowing one’s spiritual connection, and nothing more exciting than a proven way to access it which works every time.
No matter how ridiculously stuck you feel about your financial situation, relationships, health, sex life and future, there is always a way to reach freedom. If you wish to gain a greater spiritual perspective in life, make the choice today to clarify your personal relationship with the Divine. You can see just how far you’ve come on your spiritual journey by taking the risk to answer these challenging questions:
What is stopping you from always being in communion with God?
What exactly is your relationship with God like?
What does it feel like when you are having a truly intimate connection with God?
How often do you recognize and connect with the Divine aspects of yourself?
How is your life different when living with this connection verses without it?
The longer you sit with these questions and feel into your answers, the deeper you’ll dig into your soul and eventually discover your spiritual connection. It is never too late to try and connect. Even if you have wasted 75 years of your life on gluttonous frivolous mindless activities feeling perpetually lost in a superficial life, the God Source is still here. The door to the Divine is always open, and God is waiting for you to come in. When you take one step towards God, God will take 10 steps towards you. Make time to redefine your relationship with the Divine, and I guarantee that your precious time will not wasted.
When I explore my own personal connection with the Divine, I always first look into my heart rather than my head. The head is so full of ideas about what God is and is not. The head misses the real experience, feeling, and quality of Godliness. When the mind is quiet, still and single pointed into the Now, we can instantly find that deeply alive spiritual feeling inside. The God Source already exists within the heart and at the core of our soul. As we relax into this place, a timeless unconditionally loving conscious energy sneaks into us, and relaxes every cell and fiber of our very being.
I find that God is the most mysterious thing in the Universe, perhaps because it is the Universe. God exists in everyone and everything, yes including those people you think are deeply disconnected. Have you wondered how can such an amazing presence be so spatially close to us, and still be so difficult to feel and see. It’s like trying to look into our own eyes without a mirror. We look out at life through these tiny black holes in our eyes, taking them for granted and not realizing they exist at all because they are so close to us. When something is too close to us, we are often unaware how precious it is. The same applies to noticing God. We are unaware of God until we take a step back and look deeper into our own reflection in the great mirror that is all around us.
“Realization of the Self is realization of God. It is not an experience of God, rather, it is an understanding that one is God.” ~ Ramana Maharshi
In my mid 20′s, I realized there was nothing more amazing to experience in life than a direct relationship with the Divine. I discovered through years of exploration and inquiry that it was much easier to connect with God by relating to it an “isness” rather than an “it”. I find that God is more like a mysterious infinite energy than some fixed stagnant entity. The great isness is instantly found when we stop and feel into this eternal quality, which feels like we are always and forever here now. The isness is our infinite nature, and this can only be experienced when we are living fully in the now, exploring life from a relaxed trusting connection.
The divine isness is the most accepting, healing, forgiving energy one could imagine. The isness is the source of unconditional love, which when even momentarily welcomed, we instantly feel the most profound ecstatic joy inside our heart. The knowing that we are eternal spiritual beings moves through us throughout the day, like a healing river of eternal liquid love. The very second we surrender our heart to just the idea of an eternally loving isness, we immediately find real peace, a sense of bliss, and a feeling of real satisfaction that cannot be compared. Knowing this isness is our basic nature, we start radiating like the Sun and start shining our own spiritual essence onto everyone in our life.
The only reason we may not feel, believe and know that God is right here within the very center of our body, soul and heart right now, is because of one thing blocking the way. Our overly busy, demanding, controlling and desiring mind. As long as the mind is wanting something, willing something, thinking it is lacking something, trying to reach a better place other than the great isness that’s here now, we will easily miss our spiritual path. We will find ourselves living in thoughts about God instead of experiencing the real divinity. If we get too lost in the head, we might end up walking into some highly intellectual, materialistic and spiritually dry future.
The God Source is infinitely complex, yet deeply simple. I find that God is actually quite easy to experience. The trick is learning what it takes to fully be here now. To feel the divine isness we must first begin feeling whatever is up for us in this moment. We must explore how we can let go of the mind, and open our self up emotionally, feeling everything that is here now. When we call off the mental search looking for God out there, and simply feel into the core essence of our being, we find that we have been the ones who were hiding and protecting ourselves from the Divine. God has always been here, is always here, radiating within every atom in existence. As we drop deeper, beneath the thinking mind and through our blocked emotions, we discover the greatest source of peace, silence and stillness. This is where God abides.
“Be still and know that I am God.” ~ Psalm 46:10
Perhaps the most radical truth I’ve discovered about this human existence is this. We humans are either existing in some form of suffering OR living in some form of bliss. We are either in one or the other. We are either living up in our head, or we are in the heart of God. Once we quiet the mind and open our heart together, we can live a balanced life in both realms of head and heart. Doing this, we then start merging with the infinite mind of God. If we can remain in this balance 24 hours a day, we will master this lifetime. Then, every thought we think manifests into forming our living reality. By living in constant emotional connection with the Divine from our core, we become a living bliss breathing manifestation machine, perpetually creating every beautiful idea we feel and focus upon.
There are not many things guaranteed in life, yet one thing that is 100% guaranteed is this. At some point you are going to return to God. It will happen either when your body is still alive or when your body stops breathing. Eventually, you’ll feel intimately connected with God again, so do not worry about when or how. All roads lead back to God. The path ahead and the past behind you both lead back to God. God is unavoidable because our past and future are just mental concepts which only exist within this living present moment.
The mind alone is always blind to the Divine. It is only with a quiet surrendered mind that we may access an open receptive heart which can see God in everyone and everything. The mind just doesn’t want to realize how ignorant it actually is. It doesn’t want to see how powerless, unfulfilled, and trapped it is, as this would cause a huge embarrassment to the ego.
When we spiritually wake up, the mind realizes it’s petty search in the outer world to find everlasting satisfaction is spiritually fruitless. Only when the mind surrenders to God do we discover what absolute bliss feels like. Otherwise, the mind will continue to persist in its addictive habits of seeking fulfillment in the outer world. It will ignore seeing how true bliss is available here now, as it needs to continue its addictive search for years, decades and lifetimes. The mind is always trying to get its desires met by people, food, substances, money, ideas, and is in the habit of constantly yearning for something. Yet, as we all know, once the mind gets what it wants, it’s happy for a short while, then is back on the hamster wheel again searching for fulfillment again. The mind is deeply unaware that it can never ever be truly satisfied.
It’s good to know that whatever happens in life, there are no real mistakes. God is an infinitely positive creative energy and this fierce force does not know what a mistake is. Every mistake that we perceive to be real or true, is simply the mind forming another judgment. There is Universal right or wrong book. There is only deeper shades of truth, in which each higher layer only reveals a lighter perspective on our enlightening mission we are here to learn.
I believe that the greatest goal of life is to find that God Source inside us 24 hours a day. This is the only thing which truly satisfies, everything else falls vastly short. Feeling into your own personal intimate connection with the Divine is the most important thing you can do with your time each day. Everything else you do is going to be the ego seeking some form of gratification, which of course will not last. Beware of the ego, as it is easily caught in complaints, negativity, and creating problems that weren’t there before. Your only job is to move beyond your ego. Transcend your small self, and step into the big Self that you truly are. When you finally surrender to God at the center of your soul, will know without a doubt, that you have just discovered the most amazing experience of coming home.
I believe that the greatest goal of life is to find that God Source inside us 24 hours a day. This is the only thing which truly satisfies, everything else falls vastly short. Feeling into your own personal intimate connection with the Divine is the most important thing you can do with your time each day. Everything else you do is going to be the ego seeking some form of gratification, which of course will not last. Beware of the ego, as it is easily caught in complaints, negativity, and creating problems that weren’t there before. Your only job is to move beyond your ego. Transcend your small self, and step into the big Self that you truly are. When you finally surrender to God at the center of your soul, will know without a doubt, that you have just discovered the most amazing experience of coming home.
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