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Deep Relaxation Technique

Dear Reader! :)

Here’s a secret very few people know:

Almost all disease is caused by an accumulation of stress
and tension in your body.

And the reality of modern life is that we live in a
chronically stressed society. We’re constantly bombarded by
emails, tweets and smartphone notifications.

And if you work in a corporate environment you’ll know
exactly what I mean.

Here’s something else you probably don’t realize. Over time
this stress and tension accumulates in your body.

And while you may not feel the negative effects on a day to
day basis, in the background things are reaching boiling

And guess what happens then?

This subconscious build-up of stress eventually manifests
itself in your life as disease.

So maybe you end up getting cancer…or diabetes…or severe
back ache.

Or maybe you just feel burnt out and tired the whole time.

And in your mind you don’t link the two together, but here’s
what you need to know: To prevent this from happening, you
must learn the art of relaxation.

[And you can learn it over here]

And I call it an art because it is.

Learning how to stay relaxed at all times will release the
stress which is destroying your life.

And here’s something else you need to know.

There is a universal life force which flows through the

And this force can be harnessed and controlled, the way a
sailor harnesses the wind to move his boat.

This force is known as Qi.

You can use it to cleanse your body of stress and flush out
all tension.

And when you feel it’s energy flow through your body...well,
let’s just say it’s a deeply cathartic and spiritual

It will relax you on a level deeper than you can even begin
to imagine.
(Even deeper than hypnosis, and more effective.)

But right now you’re probably wondering how you’re supposed
to harness this “Qi Energy”.

That’s really simple.

By using Reiki!

With every session you will gradually release that built up
stress and tension. And watch your body heal itself, the way
nature intended.

Before I go one more thing:

If you’re suffering from chronic stress you should actually
take it seriously. One of my students was hospitalized due
to stress related health issues…

…and the reality is that stress CAN kill you.

[If this sounds familiar to you then go here now]

There you can learn the art of Reiki in only 48 hours.

And pay only a fraction of the price you would for most
seminars, books or courses.

namnteckning (1)
Reiki Master

Dick Scott



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