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Miracle Life force inside all of us

Dear Readers :)

Ever had that feeling someone is staring at you…

…and then you turn around and they are?

It’s happened to me and I’m sure it’s happened to you.

But why?

Well there really is no scientific explanation or reason.
And besides that most people aren’t all that interested in
this phenomena.

But if you ask me…well…there’s a very simple explanation.

It’s called Qi.

Basically, in traditional Chinese culture, this word is used
to describe the “Life force” which inhibits all living

This idea is common in many other cultures.

For example, it is known as prana in the Hindu religion,
mana in the Hawaiian shaman traditional and “Vital energy”
in Western philosophy.

(Another great way to explain it, is to think of Qi as “The
Force” in Star Wars)

Bottom line?

Qi is the energy that flows through the universe and binds
it all together.

It is the reason why you can sense people staring at you…or
get the feeling mom is going to call…just before she does.

It is also the energy which is used to perform Reiki healing

Miracle Life force inside all of us

Now, you may not entirely believe in this stuff.


But no matter what anyone thinks, does or says, the fact

We are surrounded by invisible energies we do not understand
and cannot explain…but…we CAN harness them for good. (Like
the Jedi)

[Learn how you can harness these invisible energies over here.]

And the other unfortunate fact, is that thousands and
thousands of people have used the power of Qi to change
their lives.

It has been used to treat chronic stress, reduce the
symptoms of diabetes and even help you relax before job

But you know what?

In all my years of practicing Reiki, I’ve learned one thing,
which is that this stuff can only be experienced, not

And the best way to do this…is to learn Reiki.

Because, believe me, once you’ve learned the basics and
tried them out, you’ll be just as astounded as I was…

…at how effective this energy medicine really is, for
treating almost any ailment under the sun.

And the best part?

You can experience the awesome power of Qi in as little as
2-3 days.


Well, what very few people understand is that mastering
Reiki doesn’t have to take years of your life.

You can actually learn the basics in as little as 24 hours.

[Right over here]

…you will gain the ability to perform healing miracles in
your life in as little as 2-3 days.

namnteckning (1)
Reiki Master



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